Deva Legion Ladies Of Harley

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It’s time to become a member of the Deva Legion, Chester (or renew your current membership) and start riding and having fun in 2025 – HERE

“…they’re not just pillions, they’re the Deva Legion Ladies of Harley”

Deva legion, chester

More and more ladies are becoming riders and pillions and they are welcomed in to the fold and supported by the Harley Owners Group (H.O.G™) Ladies of Harley (LoH) programme.

LoH is a programme sponsored by H.O.G™ to support women motorcycle enthusiasts and offer a broader range of activities defined by women for women. Whether you ride solo or pillion, LoH promotes female participation in the world of Harley-Davidson, so take a look.

At Deva Legion, we encourage lady riders (and pillions) to be active in the Chapter as we are there for all – not just the boys!

The Deva Legion calendar shows LoH specific events – check it out.

The only pre-requisite to be a LoH member, is being a H.O.G™ member. LoH membership is free of charge, and applies to any lady that belongs to H.O.G™ with full or associate membership.  Just ‘click’ Ladies of Harley on your profile at As a lady member you will receive an LoH patch and pin, and a pin for every year that you continue to be a member. Also your H.O.G™ membership card will reflect your LoH membership.

Our Deva Legion LoH Officer is on hand if you have any questions or want to discuss anything. You can also get further involved in being part of any Chapter events – not just for LoH!

Check out the Deva Legion LoH Facebook page for up-to-date info.

Check out some of the awesome images from the Ladies of Harley event at the Rally in the Valley 2024: