Members Information

Book rally tickets here: TryBooking

It’s time to become a member of the Deva Legion, Chester (or renew your current membership) and start riding and having fun in 2025 – HERE

2025 Ride Calendar (for detailed information see Facebook or email:

1st January 2025Frostbite RideChester Services
5th April 2025Road Crew TrainingTbC
6th April 2025Road Crew TrainingTbC
12th April 2025Claire HouseTbC
10th May 2025TrawsfynyddChocks Away Diner
18th May 2025Carsington WaterTbC
7th June 2025WelshpoolChocks Away Diner
14th/ 15th June 2025Joint ChapterTbC
21st/ 22nd June 2025Dave DayTbC
27th June 2025BarmouthTbC
2nd August 2025CricciethChocks Away Diner
16th/ 17th AugustRally PracticeTbC
30th/ 31st AugustRally PracticeTbC
4th October 2025Ride to the WallTbC
11th October 2025Season EndTbC

2025 Activities Calendar (for detailed information see Facebook or email:

21st February 2025Curry Night
6th March 2025Monthly Meet
15th March 2025Poker Run
3rd April 2025Monthly Meet
26th April 2025Meal Night
2nd May 2025Trip: Cider Rally
23rd May 2025Weekender: Deva Blast
7th June 2025Trip: HOG European Rally
30th June 2025Bat out of Hell (Stoke)
12th July 2025Weekender: Ace Cafe & Warrs
1st August 2025Trip: Hog n Bog Rally

Deva Legion Committee information:

The 2025 Deva Legion Chapter Officers are: Stu Norton (Director); Ian Sugden (Asst Director and Head road Captain); Paul Jones (Secretary and Communications Officer); Don McKinsley (Treasurer). The Chapter Officers will be will be supported by members of the Committee Sue Norton (Membership and Liaison Officer); Diane Halhead (Ladies of Harley Officer); Paul Zaiglin (Events Officer); John Jones (Safety Officer); and Helen Sugden (Merchandise Officer).

The Deva Legion Constitution (2025)

The Deva Legion Intro to Riding (2025)

The H.O.G Chapter Charter (2019)

Standard Membership Release:

I have read the Annual Charter for H.O.G. Chapters and hereby agree to abide by it as a member of this H.O.G supported Chapter. I recognize that while this Chapter is chartered with H.O.G., it remains a separate, independent entity solely responsible for its actions.  

I agree that the Harley Owners Group (H.O.G.), Harley-Davidson, Inc., Harley-Davidson Motor Company, Harley-Davidson Europe, Ltd, and any of its corporate affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, employees and agents, and HOG Chapter Officers (hereinafter, the “RELEASED PARTIES”) shall not be liable or responsible for damage to my property occurring during any HOG or HOG chapter activities and resulting from acts or omissions occurring during the performance of the duties of the Released Parties, even where the damage is caused by negligence (except  wilful intent).

I understand and agree that all H.O.G. members and their guests participate voluntarily and at their own risk in all H.O.G. activities and I assume all risks arising out of the conduct of such activities. I release and hold the “RELEASED PARTIES” harmless from any loss to my property which may result from my participation in H.O.G. activities and EVENT(S). I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS MEANS THAT I AGREE NOT TO SUE THE “RELEASED PARTIES” FOR ANY DAMAGE TO MY PROPERTY ARISING FROM, OR IN CONNECTION WITH, THE PERFORMANCE OF THEIR CHAPTER DUTIES IN SPONSORING, PLANNING OR CONDUCTING SAID EVENT(S), EXCEPT IN THE CASE OF WILFUL INTENT BY THE RELEASED PARTIES.

I understand and agree that the RELEASED PARTIES may take photographs of participants at the EVENT(S) for use in H.O.G.® and Chapter related materials. I hereby confirm that I have no objection that my photograph is taken and used in this context and for this purpose.

By signing this Release and Authorization to Photograph, I certify that I have read this Release and fully understand it and that I am not relying on any statements or representations made by the RELEASED PARTIES.

I am committing to the terms and conditions of Chapter membership as set out in the HOG Charter.

Use of Data:
Data protection is a mutual concern of H.O.G., H.O.G members and H.O.G Chapters. The following information explains the H.O.G policies and security processes relating to personal privacy and information security. Deva Legion, Chester collects and stores information about you when you join as a member. The Chapter uses this information to maintain Chapter business. We will not obtain personally identifying information about you when you visit our website.  If you choose to send an email, registration, or other personal information over the internet, you do so voluntarily.

The Deva Legion, Chester will not disclose personal information except:

At your request; To assist H.O.G. in evaluating its programs and to continue to improve the quality of their online and membership experience; When disclosure is required by law; To organisations that perform services to H.O.G. in connection with your membership, such as data processing and financial transactions; To Harley Davidson affiliated companies and carefully selected third parties or for their own use to provide products and other services to you; In connection with Harley Davidson Corporate due diligence and audits.

If you are concerned that your information is incorrect, or if for some reason you believe your data is being misused, please notify us by emailing  We would like to be able to continue to send you details of club news and events by email and text, if you no longer wish to receive these, again please notify us.

Additionally, photographic images can be defined as personal data and fall under the scope of this process.  By signing the Chapter membership form you are in agreement to photos which may include you, or persons associated with you, being used in any form of Chapter media.
