The 2024 Rally Story

Book rally tickets here: TryBooking

Who did what: Stu (oversaw everything); Sue (kept us organised); Suggs (sorted the ride-outs); Jonesy and Mark (all over social media); Jim (linked with the bands and DJ); John (kept us safe); Paul Z (sorted the gate plans); Helen & Sharon (sorted the rally packs and welcome desk); Kev (managed the camping area); Stu, Charlie & Brian (sorted the motorhomes); Paddy and Don (organised the bike show); Di (sorted the LoH do); Bob & C (everywhere with cameras); Brian (for counting the coins…); Stu ADI (and his breakfasting skills); and Mark & Julie (for the miles they walked selling raffle tickets).

No doubt I’ve missed people – don’t be offended, the whole Deva Legion put on an awesome rally and the thanks of the committee and the visitors go to you all!

Then there were the ‘winners’, not just Claire House as our chosen charity but the Custom Bike Show winners; the Raffle Prize winners; the Furthest Travelled winner; the Most Attended Chapter winner; and the Ultimate 21st Birthday winner…

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Take a look at the social time Google folder, click the icon:

And then there was the ride-outs – OMG!

Google Photos – click here!

And then there was the Custom Bike Show!

Deva Legion Bike Show…

The Swillers (featuring Ollie…)

Remember the Rally in the Valley 2023: The 2023 Rally Story – Deva Legion, Chester (

Rally Raffle Terms & Conditions: Access the T&Cs Here via Google Drive
