We’ve been having some really good Chapter Breakfasts lately at the Chocks Away Diner at Hawarden Airfield. So good in fact that we have now installed the Deva Hut there, complete with windows and doors so that we can have a ‘recognised home’ for the Deva Legion… why not drop by one weekend and say ‘hi’ to us – we’re there every other Saturday from about 10am onwards, for more information email: contact@devalegionhog.co.uk
We carry on meeting monthly at the Whitby Sports and Social Club too – April was our Pizza and Movie month and May will be a quarterly meeting with special raffles and surprises in store!
We had the privilege last weekend to support the escort of the Normandy80 Silhouette Statues to Portsmouth with many other Chapters, a huge well done to all involved… the Deva Legion then called in at Southampton on the way back with our Director making a special purchase!
Finally, this weekend coming sees the opening of the Deva Legion riding season proper… we will attend Claire House Children’s Hospice, making our usual annual donation before heading out around the Wirral! Stay safe out there everyone.